Let’s explore some details about these large number of vacancies in SSC Constable GD

The candidates are required to know how this recruitment process will take place according to the available positions, and who are keen to apply for these upcoming large recruitment procedures of the Staff Selection Commission n Constable GD which will be held from February to March 2024.

Please look at the table below to learn,

SSC GD Vacancy 2023 (Male)
Forces SC ST OBC EWS UR Total
Border Security Force (BSF) 3600 2015 4050 1785 13356 24806
Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) 1925 412 1236 759 3545 7877
Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) 6700 548 5689 1564 7695 22196
Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) 1259 365 1190 280 1745 4839
Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) 612 209 594 104 1045 2564
Rifleman (General Duty) in Assam Rifles (AR) 885 401 808 621 1909 4624
Secretariat Security Force (SSF) 105 18 97 29 209 458
Total 15086 3968 13664 5142 29295 67364


SSC GD Vacancy 2023 (Female)
Forces SC ST OBC EWS UR Total
Border Security Force (BSF) 510 256 609 258 1436 3069
Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) 103 63 147 89 319 721
Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) 409 288 568 269 1697 3231
Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) 99 15 100 11 214 439
Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) 70 66 99 8 199 442
Rifleman (General Duty) in Assam Rifles (AR) 27 9 30 20 66 152
Secretariat Security Force (SSF) 32 4 22 9 58 125
Total 1250 701 1575 664 3989 8179


SSC GD Vacancy 2023 in NIA
Forces SC ST OBC EWS UR Total
Sepoy in National Investigation Agency (NIA) 45 19 34 29 98 225


After see these tables carefully candidates get prominent information how the recruitment process will be conducted according to the gender and category wise and the accurate number of vacancies as per the available positions.