Scrutiny Status of candidates for the vacancies of Laboratory Assistant, Post Category No. ER16224.

The scrutiny process for the recruitment of 16 vacancies (09-UR, 04-OBC, 02-SC, and 01-EWS) for the post of Laboratory Assistant in the Zoological Survey of India, Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, under Post Category No. ER16224, as advertised during Phase-XII/2024/Selection Posts, has been completed.

As part of the recruitment process, applications and supporting documents submitted by candidates who had provisionally qualified in the Computer-Based Mode (CBM) Examination for Phase-XII/2024 Selection Posts were thoroughly reviewed. The evaluation was conducted based on the Essential Qualifications (EQs) and other relevant eligibility criteria as detailed in the official Advertisement Notice for the post of Laboratory Assistant.

To ensure transparency and provide candidates an opportunity to clarify their eligibility status, the preliminary scrutiny results were published on the SSC (Eastern Region) website on 26.12.2024. Candidates were invited to submit representations regarding their ineligibility or grounds for rejection, if any, by 05.01.2025 (23:00 hours).

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Laboratory Assistant Post Category No. ER16224 View List

Candidates should be aware that simply having their name included in this list does not fully confirm their eligibility for the position. The inclusion is provisional, and eligibility will only be finalized after careful verification of all required documents. The next step in the process, Document Verification, will take place according to the schedule set by the user department. Candidates will be notified when and where to appear for this crucial step in the recruitment process. It is essential for candidates to ensure all their documents are accurate, up-to-date, and ready for presentation at the time of verification.

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