Recruitment to the post of DRILLER-CUM-MECHANIC, Advertisement Notice No. Phase-XII/2024/Selection Posts. Post cat no. WR14724

Candidates are advised to refer to Advertisement Notice No. Phase-XII/2024/Selection Posts, dated February 26, 2024, which includes details for Post Category No. WR14724.

Vacancy Details:

  • Total Vacancies: 2
    • UR (Unreserved): 01
    • ST (Scheduled Tribe): 01

Prescribed Essential Qualifications (EQs):

To be eligible for this position, candidates must meet the following qualifications:

  1. A Diploma in Drilling, Mechanical, Civil, or Automobile Engineering from a recognized University or Institute.
  2. A minimum of three years of experience in the operation and maintenance of drilling rigs, obtained through employment in:
    • Central Government, State Government, or Union Territory Administration
    • A recognized University or Institute
    • Public Sector Undertaking (PSU)
    • Any Statutory or Autonomous Organization

List of Ineligible Candidates

Following the scrutiny of soft copies of applications and supporting documents, as submitted by candidates who were provisionally qualified in the Computer-Based Examination (CBE) for Phase-XII/2024 Selection Posts, the user department has reviewed the eligibility of applicants for the aforementioned post.

The CBE was conducted between June 20, 2024, and June 26, 2024 (excluding June 22 & June 23, 2024). After a detailed evaluation, the department has identified candidates who have been rejected due to specific reasons mentioned against their names.

Applicants who have been deemed ineligible are advised to carefully review the reasons for their rejection. For any clarifications or further inquiries, candidates should refer to the official recruitment portal or contact the respective authorities.

Exam Name Click Here
DRILLER-CUM-MECHANIC Post Category No. WR14724 View DOC

Important Notice for Candidates Regarding Recruitment Process

Candidates who did not qualify in the Computer-Based Examination (CBE) but have submitted their documents and certificates will not be considered for the ongoing recruitment process. Only those who have successfully cleared the CBE and meet the prescribed eligibility criteria will be taken into account for further evaluation.

Representation for Omission in Selection List

If any candidate who meets the Essential Qualification (EQ) criteria believes that they have been inadvertently excluded from the selection process, they may submit a formal representation via email only to

The subject line of the email must clearly state:
“Representation for Recruitment to the Post of …….. Phase-XII/2024”

Candidates should provide complete details regarding their qualifications to substantiate their eligibility for the concerned post.

Deadline for Submission

📅 Last Date to Submit Representation: February 28, 2025, by 5:00 PM
Any emails received after this deadline will not be entertained under any circumstances.

Important Instructions

Only email submissions will be considered – no other mode of communication (postal mail, in-person requests, or phone calls) will be accepted.
✅ A revised list of rejected and provisionally eligible candidates will be published on the official website after the scrutiny process is completed.
Late emails will not be entertained, and no further extension will be granted.

Candidates are advised to adhere to the given guidelines and ensure that their representation, if applicable, is submitted within the specified timeframe.

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