The announcement of final result for the post of Head Clerk in Ganga Flood Control Commission, Patna has been published. Central Region at Prayagraj

The Result for the examination of the SSC Head Clerk post in the Ganga Flood Control Commission, Patna, is now available as it has been declared by Operating reserve list, it belongs to the Ministry of Jal Shakti. If you are one the candidates, then please know the accurate information by clicking on the below mentioned link.

Department- Ganga Flood Control Commission, Patna
Post- Head Clerk
Post category no.– CR10721
Advt. no.– Phase-IX/2021/Section Posts-reg.
File No.– S-S.12011/4/2022-DD_SP
Area comes under Central Region at Prayagraj- Uttar Pradesh & Bihar.

Please click on this following shared link and find out the appropriate result.