Find the Date,Time and Venue for Interview of the Deputy Central Intelligence Officer Post in Intelligence Bureau

The aspirants who have qualified for the interview for the Deputy Central Intelligence Officer Post in the Intelligence Bureau are requested to check the notice and confirm the schedule and venue to attend it without any deviation, which will be held from 08.04.2024 to 09.04.2024. Appropriate date, Time, and Venue have been provided with the selected candidates’ roll numbers.

Overview of the Interview Procedure (Read the PDF for more details)
Name Post Deputy Central Intelligence Officer (Technical)(DCIO/Tech)
Number of Vacancies (SC-01, OBC-01, UR-02) 4
Advt. No. 24/2022
Vacancy Number 22122402624
Department / Office Intelligence Bureau
Ministry Ministry of Home Affairs
Purpose Interview
Date From 08.04.2024 to 09.04.2024
Venue UPSC House, New Delhi


Find the Roll Numbers of Selected Candidates in the table below;

Date of Interview Reporting Time Roll Numbers of the Selected Candidates
Morning Session 09.00 A.M.
4100279 4100770 4101664
4104236 4103603 4104742
Afternoon Session 12.00 P.M.
4200020 4200849 4202426
4103559 4104061 4200210
09.04.2024 Morning Session 09.00 A.M. 4200369 4200441 4200637 4200649


Please click on the PDF below and confirm the schedule of the Interview;


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