Find the EQ accept list for the post of Senior Zoological Assistant, post category no. ER16024.

Following the conclusion of the computer-Based Mode (CBM) Examination for Phase-XII/2024/Selection Posts, a thorough review process was undertaken to scrutinize the applications and supporting documents submitted by candidates who had provisionally qualified for the next stage of recruitment. This scrutiny specifically pertained to the post of Senior Zoological Assistant [Post Category No. ER16024] within the Zoological Survey of India, an esteemed institution under the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change.

The assessment process was meticulously carried out to ensure that candidates met the Essential Qualifications (EQs) outlined in the recruitment advertisement. These qualifications and criteria, explicitly stated in the official Advertisement Notice, serve as a benchmark to identify eligible candidates for the post. The scrutiny process also included verifying compliance with other relevant terms and conditions of recruitment, such as academic credentials, relevant experience (if applicable), age limitations, and reservation guidelines, ensuring a fair and transparent selection process.

This stage of scrutiny plays a crucial role in confirming that candidates who proceed to subsequent stages of recruitment, including Document Verification, are fully compliant with the prescribed eligibility standards, maintaining the integrity and fairness of the recruitment process.

The preliminary scrutiny status was published on the SSC (ER) website on 19.12.2024, inviting candidates to submit representations, if any, regarding their rejection or ineligibility, by 29.12.2024 (23:00 hours). These representations were thoroughly examined, and the final list of candidates meeting the EQ criteria has now been released as the Final EQ Accepted List.”


It is important to highlight that inclusion in this list does not imply complete eligibility. Candidates included in the list will be required to attend Document Verification as scheduled by the concerned user department.

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