Tentative EQ accept list for the post of JUNIOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANT, Post Cat. No. NR16624.

The tentative EQ accept list for the post of Junior Technical Assistant, advertised under Post Category No. NR16624 in Advt. No. Phase XII/2024, is now available. This list includes 53 candidates who have been shortlisted for the next stages of recruitment, pertaining to the filling of 02 vacancies (distributed as 02-UR, 00-OBC, 00-SC, 00-ST, 00-EWS). Additionally, there are no candidates from the categories of ESM, OH, HH, VH, or Others.

Essential Qualifications (EQs) required for the Junior Technical Assistant Post Cat No. NR16624 post are as follows:

  1. A certificate in the Forest Rangers course from any recognized institute, or
  2. A Graduate degree in Science or Computer Science.

The following candidates have been selected based on the eligibility criteria and are now moved forward in the recruitment process for further stages.

Exam Name Click Here
Junior Technical Assistant Post Cat No. NR16624 View List

It is important to understand that the mere inclusion of a candidate’s name in this list does not automatically confirm their candidature for the position. The candidates who are listed will be invited to attend the Document Verification (DV) process when scheduled by the User Department. During this process, all original documents will be meticulously checked to verify the authenticity and accuracy of the submitted information.

Candidates are strongly advised to stay updated by regularly checking the official website of SSC (NR) at https://sscnr.nic.in for the latest information and announcements related to the schedule for Document Verification. It is essential to ensure that all required documents are ready for verification at the time of the scheduled appointment.

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