Ineligible/Provisionally Eligible list of candidates for the vacancies of Cleaner, Post Category No. MP10924

The Initial Rejection List for the mentioned post was published on the official website of SSC (MPR) on 10/01/2025. Following this, the representations submitted by candidates deemed ineligible were carefully reviewed. After thorough consideration of the issues raised and supporting documents provided, the User Department has finalized the status of these candidates.

Based on this assessment:

  1. The candidature of certain candidates has been declared Ineligible/Provisionally Eligible, with reasons for their respective statuses clearly stated against their names.
  2. The finalized list of ineligible candidates and the list of provisionally eligible candidates have now been published.

It is important to note that the Final List of Ineligible Candidates is conclusive, and no further representations or appeals will be entertained.

The finalized lists are as follows:


Candidates are advised to review these lists carefully to confirm their status.

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Cleaner, Post Category No. MP10924 View DOC

It is important to understand that the inclusion of a candidate’s name in this list is not a final confirmation of their eligibility. The eligibility of candidates is subject to further verification and validation during the Document Verification (DV) process. Only after the successful completion of this stage will eligibility be fully determined.

Candidates whose names are listed will be required to appear for Document Verification of original certificates and supporting documents, which will be conducted as per the schedule determined by the Commission. The exact date, time, and venue for the Document Verification will be announced and uploaded on the official website of the Commission in due course.

To stay informed, candidates are strongly advised to check the Commission’s website regularly for updates and notifications regarding the Document Verification schedule. Failure to appear for the Document Verification as scheduled may result in disqualification from the recruitment process.

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