Final EQ accept list for the post of Library and Information Assistant, Post Cat. No. NR16724.

The Final Essential Qualification (EQ) Accepted List includes 11 candidates for the recruitment process to fill one vacancy (01-UR) for the post of Library and Information Assistant, as advertised under Post Category No. NR16724 in Advertisement No. Phase XII/2024. No reservations are applicable for OBC, SC, ST, EWS, ESM, OH, HH, VH, or other categories for this post.

Essential Qualifications (EQs) for the Post:

Candidates were evaluated based on the following mandatory qualifications:

  1. Educational Qualification: A Bachelor’s Degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science from a recognized university or institute.
  2. Work Experience: A minimum of two years of professional experience working in a library under any of the following:
    • Central or State Government
    • Autonomous or Statutory Organization
    • Public Sector Undertaking (PSU)
    • University
    • Recognized Research or Educational Institution

Next Steps in the Recruitment Process:

The candidates listed in the Final EQ Accepted List have been shortlisted for the next stages of the selection process. Further details regarding document verification and other recruitment procedures will be communicated in due course.

Stay updated by visiting the official website for further announcements.

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Library and Information Assistant Post Cat. No. NR16724 View DOC

Important Notice for Candidates:

Being listed in this provisional list does not guarantee final selection or confirm candidature. It only indicates that the candidate has been considered for the next stage of the recruitment process. Final eligibility will be determined only after successful completion of Document Verification.

Candidates will be required to appear for Document Verification (DV) as per the schedule determined by the User Department. During this process, all original documents, including educational qualifications, experience certificates (if applicable), category certificates, and other relevant documents, will be thoroughly examined to ensure compliance with the prescribed eligibility criteria. Any discrepancy or failure to produce the required documents may lead to disqualification.

It is strongly advised that candidates regularly visit the official website of SSC (NR) at for updates and announcements regarding the Document Verification schedule. Not receiving individual communication will not be considered a valid reason for missing the verification process. Stay informed and prepared to complete this crucial stage of recruitment successfully.

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