HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023 (OUT), Download Hall Ticket & Check Exam Date Now @hpsc.gov.in

The HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023 is eagerly awaited by candidates who have applied for the prestigious position. The release date of the admit card is set for 24th July 2023, and it marks the beginning of the examination process. Aspirants are advised to stay updated with the official website of HPSC to download their admit cards on the specified date. With the admit card in hand, candidates can proceed with confidence to appear in the upcoming ADA examination and take a step closer to their dream career in the legal domain.

HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023

The HPSC Assistant District Attorney Exam is scheduled to take place on 30th July 2023, commencing from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at designated exam centers throughout Haryana. To participate in the examination, candidates must present a printed copy of the HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023, along with an original photo identity proof at the exam venue. The officials have explicitly stated that only candidates who applied are provisionally allowed to take the Screening Test. Failure to produce these documents will result in candidates being denied entry into the exam hall. It is essential for candidates to arrive at the exam center at the specified reporting time.

Organization NameHaryana Public Service Commission, Panchkula
Exam NameAssistant District Attorney
Vacancies112 Posts
CategoryAdmit Card
HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023 Release Date24 July 2023
HPSC ADA Exam Date 202330 July 2023
Job LocationHaryana
HPSC ADA Admit Card Download LinkGiven Below
Official Websitehttps://hpsc.gov.in

The HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023 holds the utmost importance for gaining entry into the exam center and includes vital information like the candidate’s name, exam date, and venue. To ensure a smooth examination process, candidates are strongly advised to download their HPSC Assistant District Attorney Admit Card 2023 either from the link provided below or directly from the official website at https://hpsc.gov.in starting from 24th July 2023. For further details, please refer to the overview table above.

HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023 – Download Here

Haryana Assistant District Attorney Admit Card 2023

The Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) is a governmental body responsible for conducting exams. According to the official notice, the HPSC is set to release the Haryana Assistant District Attorney Admit Card 2023 on July 24, 2023, through its official website https://hpsc.gov.in. This admit card is specifically for the upcoming Haryana Assistant District Attorney Exam, which is conducted to fill 112 positions in the Prosecution Department of Haryana. For comprehensive details regarding the Haryana Assistant District Attorney Admit Card 2023, please refer to the complete article.

HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023 Download Link

The HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023 will be available on the official website from 24th July 2023. This is for the HPSC Assistant District Attorney Exam, scheduled for 30th July 2023. We will provide a direct download link below once it is activated by the officials. Please make sure your photo and signature on the admit card are clear, as candidates with unclear images won’t be allowed inside the exam center.

HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023 Direct Download LinkGiven Below

HPSC ADA Exam Date 2023

The HPSC ADA (Haryana Public Service Commission Assistant District Attorney) Exam Date for the year 2023 is scheduled to be held on 30th July 2023. Candidates should make a note of this date and ensure they are well-prepared for the examination. It is recommended to stay updated with the official website of HPSC for any potential changes or notifications regarding the exam. Good luck to all the candidates appearing for the HPSC ADA Exam in 2023!

HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023 Important Dates

HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023 will be available on 24th July 2023. The HPSC ADA Exam Date for 2023 is scheduled for 30th July 2023, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Download the admit card from the official website https://hpsc.gov.in. Remember to carry a hard copy of the admit card and a photo ID for entry to the exam center. There are 112 Assistant District Attorney positions in Haryana. Ensure to be present on time and check the official website for updates and guidelines.

HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023 Date24 July 2023
HPSC ADA Exam Date 202330 July 2023

HPSC ADA Selection Process 2023

The HPSC ADA (Haryana Public Service Commission Assistant District Attorney) Selection Process for the year 2023 typically consists of multiple stages to assess candidates’ eligibility and capabilities for the Assistant District Attorney position in the Prosecution Department of Haryana. The selection process may include the following stages:

  • Screening Test: The initial stage of the HPSC ADA Selection Process is a Screening Test, designed to shortlist candidates based on their performance in the preliminary examination.
  • Main Written Examination: Shortlisted candidates from the Screening Test will appear for the Main Written Examination, which tests their knowledge of the relevant subjects and legal aspects.
  • Viva-Voce: Candidates who qualify for the Main Written Examination will be called for a Viva-Voce (Interview) to assess their personality, communication skills, and overall suitability for the role.
  • Document Verification: The final stage involves document verification to ensure candidates meet all eligibility criteria and possess the required qualifications.

HPSC ADA Exam Pattern 2023

The HPSC ADA Exam Pattern for 2023 comprises two parts. Part 1 focuses on Civil law and Criminal law, with 80 questions carrying 80 marks. Part 2 covers General Awareness, Comprehension, Logical Reasoning, Decision making, Numeracy, and General Knowledge, with 20 questions worth 20 marks. In total, the exam consists of 100 questions carrying 100 marks, with a duration of 2 hours. Candidates are advised to refer to the official HPSC notification for any updates or changes to the exam pattern.

How to Download HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023

Step-by-Step Process for Download HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023:

Step 1: Access the Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) official website by visiting https://hpsc.gov.in.

Step 2: Look for the “Advertisement” section on the homepage.

Step 3: Search for the link related to the HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023 download.

Step 4: When you click on the link, you will be taken to a new page.

Step 5: Provide your login credentials, including your registration number and password, then proceed to submit the information.

Step 6: Your HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023 will be displayed on the screen.

Step 7: Review the details mentioned on the admit card, such as your name, exam date, venue, and other relevant information.

Step 8: Download the admit card and save it on your device.

Details Mentioned on HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023

The HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023 typically contains the following details:

  1. Candidate’s Name
  2. Roll Number
  3. Exam Date and Time
  4. Exam Venue
  5. Photograph
  6. Signature
  7. Exam Instructions
  8. Reporting Time
  9. Category

Important Links

Download Admit CardDownload
Official WebsiteClick Here
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In conclusion, the HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023 is a crucial document that ensures a candidate’s entry into the Assistant District Attorney Exam. It contains vital information such as the candidate’s full name, unique identification number, exam date, and venue. Candidates must download their admit cards from the official website starting from 24th July 2023. Verifying the details and carrying a printed copy of the admit card along with a valid photo identity proof is imperative to gain access to the exam center. Aspirants should stay updated with the official website for any further instructions and guidelines to ensure a smooth examination process.


When will the HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023 be released?

The HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023 will be available for download from 24th July 2023.

How can I download my HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023?

To download your admit card, visit the official website of HPSC (https://hpsc.gov.in) and log in using your registration number and password.

What are the essential details mentioned on the HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023?

The HPSC ADA Admit Card 2023 will include your name, roll number, exam date, time, venue, photograph, signature, exam instructions, reporting time, and category.

When is the HPSC ADA Exam 2023 scheduled?

The HPSC ADA Exam 2023 is set to take place on 30th July 2023, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

What is the selection process for the HPSC ADA Exam 2023?

The selection process typically involves a Screening Test, Main Written Examination, Viva-Voce, and Document Verification.

What is the official website of HPSC for further updates and information?

The official website of HPSC is https://hpsc.gov.in. Candidates are advised to refer to this website regularly for updates and guidelines.
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