Announcement of Result for the post of Laboratory Assistant in Central Forensic Science Laboratory has been published for the Eastern Region- Kolkata

Announcement of Result for the post of Laboratory Assistant in Central Forensic Science Laboratory has been published for the Eastern Region- Kolkata

The aspirants for the post of Laboratory Assistant at the O/o Central Forensic Science Laboratory can now see the result as it has been published by the authority. This post is in Level -5 of the Pay Matrix and the department is under the Directorate of Forensic Services, Ministry of Home Affairs.

Post name: Laboratory Assistant

Department: The O/o Central Forensic Science Laboratory.

Department Under: Directorate of Forensic Services, Ministry of Home Affairs.

Post category no.: ER11322

File no.: S-S.13012/9/2023-Reett.

Center: Eastern Region Kolkata

Area comes under this Region: West Bengal, Sikkim, Odisha, Jharkhand & Andaman and Nicobar Islands (UT)

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