Final EQ accept list and Document Verification call for the post of GIRL CADET INSTRUCTOR, Post Cat. No. NR10421.

An Additional Final EQ Accepted List of six candidates has been released for the recruitment process to fill 38 vacancies for the post of Girl Cadet Instructor (GCI). The vacancy distribution includes:

  • 10 for UR (Unreserved)
  • 10 for OBC (Other Backward Classes)
  • 6 for SC (Scheduled Castes)
  • 5 for ST (Scheduled Tribes)
  • 7 for EWS (Economically Weaker Sections)

There are no reserved seats for Ex-Servicemen, OH (Orthopedically Handicapped), HH (Hearing Handicapped), VH (Visually Handicapped), or Other categories.

This recruitment was advertised under Post Category No. NR10421 as part of Advt. No. Phase IX/2021.

Essential Qualifications (EQs) for the Post:

  1. A Degree in any discipline from a recognized University.
  2. An NCC ‘C’ Certificate, demonstrating expertise and leadership in National Cadet Corps activities.

Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria and are listed in the additional Final EQ Accepted List will need to attend Document Verification, which is scheduled to take place on 31st January 2025. The address for the verification process is provided alongside the relevant post code in the notification.

Candidates are advised to verify their details in the EQ Accepted List and prepare all necessary documents in advance for the verification process.

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Girl Cadet Instructor (GCI) Post Category No. NR10421 View LIST
Document verification call

Kindly note that the inclusion of a candidate’s name in this list is provisional and does not guarantee final selection or confirmation of candidature. Candidates listed here will be required to undergo Document Verification at a later date, as scheduled by the User Department. During the Document Verification process, all original documents will be thoroughly examined to ensure compliance with the eligibility criteria and recruitment guidelines.

Candidates are strongly encouraged to regularly visit the official SSC (NR) website at for the latest updates regarding the schedule and other important details of Document Verification.

Furthermore, Admit Cards for the Document Verification process are expected to be uploaded on the SSC (NR) website shortly. Candidates should continue checking the website to stay informed about their availability. It is also advisable for candidates to plan their travel arrangements in advance, keeping in mind the schedule for Document Verification once announced.

Your timely preparation and regular monitoring of updates on the SSC (NR) website are crucial for a smooth verification process.

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