Find the list of selected candidates for the Vice Principal position in the Directorate of Education

The list containing the names (roll numbers) of selected candidates for the position of Vice Principal in the Directorate of Education has been published by the Union Public Service Commission, These aspirants qualified in the recruitment test which was held on 11.12.2022 and Interviews took place from 11.12.2023 to 22.12.2023.

Please click here to check the roll numbers of Provisionally shortlisted candidates and they will be called for an interview round,

These are some important points about this position in the table below.

 Overview of the position
 Post name  Vice Principal
 No. of Vacancy  131
 Vacancy Number  22051009328
 Department or Office  Directorate of Education
 Ministry  Education Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
 Advertisement no.  10/2022
 Headquarters  New Delhi