Find the names of Provisionally Eligible candidates for the post of Librarian in the Central Research Institute, Kasauli

The names of Provisionally Eligible candidates for the post of Librarian for Central Research Institute, Kasauli, have been made visible by the authority, These aspirants qualify in the Computer Based Examination (CBE) which was on 27th to 30th June, 2023 and now after the scrutiny of their applications and supporting documentation’s hard copies the authority.

Please click here to learn the names of the eligible candidates and other details,

These are some important points that you need to know about this position.

Overview of recruitment examination
Exam Librarian
Post name Librarian
Name of the Department Central Research Institute, Kasauli
Reporting under Ministry of Health and Family welfare
Post Category no. NW11623
Advt no. Phase XI/2023/Selection Posts
Region: North West Region at Chandigarh
Area covers: Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh (UT)