Find the result for the post of Girl Cadet Instructor in the Director General NCC, now!!

Find the result for the post of Girl Cadet Instructor in the Director General NCC, now!!

Aspiring candidates of the the post of Girl Cadet Instructor in the Director General NCC, are requested to find out their result as it has been published by the authority.

Name of the postGirl Cadet Instructor
Girl Cadet InstructorDirector General NCC
Name of the authorized MinistryMinistry of Deffence
Post Category no.ER13222
Advertisment No.Phase-X/2022/Selection Posts-reg.
File No.S-S. 13012/21/2023-Recruitment
Exam CenterEastern Region at Kolkata
Eastern Region at KolkataWest Bengal, Sikkim, Odisha, Jharkhand & Andaman and Nicobar Islands (UT)

To know all the detail about selected candidates, click on the following shared link,

Go to the website of staff selection commission to know about all of the types of posts that were advertised under Advt. No. Phase-X/2022/Selection Posts.