Find the result for the post of ‘Technical Assistant’ (Post Category No. ER11122) in the Central Cattle Breeding Farm

The results for the ‘Technical Assistant‘ position in the Central Central Cattle Breeding Farm, have been declared by the Staff Selection Commission, so the candidates are requested to check the results and the names of selected applicants. The list holds the names of the selected candidates in the Computer Based Examination, which was held from 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022.

Please go through the selected contenders’ names and information by clicking on the following shared link,

There are some crucial details about this position that you need to know.

Overview of recruitment examination
Post name  Technical Assistant
Office name  Central Cattle Breeding Farm
Reporting under  Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairy
Post Category no.  ER11122
Advt no.  Phase-X/2022/Selection Post
File no.  S-S.13012/7/2023-Recruitment
Region  Eastern Region
Area covers:  West Bengal, Sikkim, Odisha, Jharkhand & Andaman and Nicobar   Islands (UT)