PNB SO Admit Card 2023 (Out), Download Hall Ticket Direct Link Available

The Punjab National Bank (PNB) will soon release the PNB SO Admit Card 2023 for the recruitment of Specialist Officers. Candidates can download the admit card from the official website – . It is a crucial document for the upcoming PNB SO Exam scheduled on 2nd July 2023. The admit card contains important details and serves as proof of identity for candidates. A direct link will be provided on the official website for easy access to the admit card. Candidates are advised to download and print the admit card in advance. Stay updated for further notifications from PNB regarding the admit card release.

PNB SO Admit Card 2023

The PNB SO Admit Card 2023 is expected to be released on 24 June 2023. Candidates who have applied for the Punjab National Bank Specialist Officer Recruitment can download the admit card from the official website. The admit card is a crucial document that must be carried to the examination center. It contains important information such as the candidate’s name, roll number, exam date, and venue. Candidates are advised to keep track of the official website for updates and instructions regarding the PNB SO Admit Card 2023 release.

OverviewPNB SO Admit Card 2023
Recruiting BodyPunjab National Bank
Exam NamePNB SO Recruitment 2023
Post NameSpecialist Officer
CategoryAdmit Card
Admit Card Date24 June 2023
Online Exam Date2nd July 2023
Selection ModeOnline written test and Personal Interview

PNB SO Hall Ticket 2023

The PNB SO Hall Ticket 2023 is a crucial document required for the PNB SO Exam. It contains important details and serves as proof of identity for candidates. The hall ticket can be downloaded from the official website of Punjab National Bank. It is essential to carry the hall ticket to the exam center on the scheduled date

PNB SO Admit Card 2023
Download – PNB SO Admit Card 2023 SO Admit Card 2023 Link

The download link for the PNB SO Call Letter 2023 will be provided on the official website of Punjab National Bank. Candidates can visit the official website to access the download link and obtain their call letter for the PNB SO Exam 2023. Alternatively, the direct download link for the PNB SO Call Letter 2023 is given below.

Direct LinkGiven Below

PNB SO Exam Date 2023

The PNB SO Exam 2023 is scheduled for 2nd July 2023. It is an important examination for the recruitment of Specialist Officers in Punjab National Bank. Candidates should be prepared and ensure they have the necessary information and documents to appear for the exam on the specified date.

Exam DateAdmit Card Release DateExam Duration
2nd July 202324 June 20232 hours

Detail Mentioned On PNB SO Admit Card 2023

The PNB SO Admit Card 2023 contains important details such as the candidate’s name, roll number, exam date and time, venue, reporting time, registration number, exam instructions, candidate’s signature, and invigilator’s signature. It is essential for candidates to verify these details for accuracy and contact the exam authorities in case of any discrepancies.

The PNB SO Admit Card 2023 typically includes the following details:

  1. Candidate’s Name
  2. Roll Number
  3. Photograph
  4. Exam Date and Time
  5. Exam Venue
  6. Reporting Time
  7. Registration Number
  8. Exam Instructions
  9. Candidate’s Signature
  10. Invigilator’s Signature
  11. Barcodes/QR Codes (for identification purposes)

How To Download PNB SO Admit Card 2023

Here are the steps to download the PNB SO Admit Card 2023:

  1. Visit the official website of Punjab National Bank (PNB) at
  2. Look for the PNB SO Admit Card 2023 download link on the website.
  3. Click on the link to access the PNB SO admit card download page.
  4. Enter your registration number, roll number, password, and date of birth as required.
  5. Verify the entered details and submit them.
  6. The PNB SO Admit Card 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
  7. Carefully review all the details mentioned on the admit card, such as your name, exam date, venue, and reporting time.
  8. Download the admit card and save it.
  9. Take a printout of the admit card for future reference and to carry it to the examination center for the 2023 release.

PNB SO Exam Pattern 2023

The PNB SO Exam 2023 follows a specific exam pattern. Here’s a brief overview of the exam pattern:

Mode of Exam: The PNB SO Exam is conducted in online mode.

Duration: The total duration of the exam is 2 hours (120 minutes).

Type of Questions: The exam consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs).

Sections: The question paper is divided into different sections based on the specific job role or specialization.

Total Marks: The exam is generally conducted for a total of 200 marks.

Negative Marking: There may be a provision for negative marking, where one-fourth or 0.25 marks are deducted for each incorrect answer.

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When will the PNB SO Admit Card 2023 be released?

The PNB SO Admit Card 2023 is expected to be released on 24 June 2023.

How can I download the PNB SO Admit Card 2023?

To download the PNB SO Admit Card 2023, you need to visit the official website of Punjab National Bank and click on the download link for the admit card.

What is the exam date for PNB SO Exam 2023?

The PNB SO Exam 2023 is scheduled to be held on 2nd July 2023.

What is the duration of the PNB SO Exam 2023?

The PNB SO Exam 2023 has a duration of 2 hours (120 minutes).