Recruitment to the post of LIBRARY AND INFORMATION ASSISTANT, Post Category No. WR14024.

Candidates are requested to refer to Advertisement Notice No. Phase-XII/2024/Selection Posts, dated 26.02.2024, which includes the recruitment of Library and Information Assistant under Post Category No. WR14024 at the Indian Bureau of Mines, Ministry of Mines, Nagpur.

Vacancy Details:

  • Total Vacancies: 01 (Unreserved)
  • Reserved for: Visually Handicapped (VH) candidate

Essential Qualifications (EQs):

To be eligible for this post, candidates must meet the following qualifications:

  1. Educational Qualification: A Bachelor’s Degree in Library Science or Library & Information Science from a recognized university or institute.
  2. Professional Experience: A minimum of two years of professional experience working in a library under any of the following:
    • Central or State Government
    • Autonomous or Statutory Organization
    • Public Sector Undertaking (PSU)
    • University
    • Recognized Research or Educational Institution

Scrutiny of Applications:

The User Department has conducted a detailed scrutiny of applications and supporting documents submitted by candidates who were provisionally qualified in the Computer-Based Examination (CBE) for Phase-XII/2024 Selection Posts. The examination took place from 20.06.2024 to 26.06.2024 (excluding 22.06.2024 & 23.06.2024).

Based on the evaluation of eligibility criteria, the following candidate has been provisionally shortlisted for the next stage of the recruitment process.

List of Candidate Shortlisted for Further Recruitment Stages:

(Details of the shortlisted candidate will be provided in the official list)

Candidates are advised to stay updated with official notifications for further instructions regarding the next stage of selection.

Exam Name Click Here

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