Scrutiny Status of candidates for the vacancies of Research Associate (Ecology) Post Category No. ER10924.

The recruitment process for four vacancies (02-UR, 01-ST, and 01-EWS) of Research Associate (Ecology) in the Anthropological Survey of India, under the Ministry of Culture, advertised under Post Category No. ER10924 as part of Phase XII/2024/Selection Posts, has progressed to the scrutiny stage.

As part of this process, applications and supporting documents submitted by candidates who had provisionally qualified in the Computer-Based Mode (CBM) Examination of Phase-XII/2024/Selection Posts were thoroughly examined. The evaluation was conducted in accordance with the Essential Qualification(s) (EQs) and other relevant terms and conditions specified in the recruitment Advertisement Notice for the post of Research Associate (Ecology).

The preliminary scrutiny status of the candidates was published on the official website of SSC(ER) on 31.12.2024. Candidates were given an opportunity to review the status and submit representations, if any, regarding their ineligibility or grounds for rejection. The deadline for submitting these representations was set for 10.01.2025 (23:00 hours).

All representations received were carefully reviewed, and necessary adjustments were made based on valid grounds and supporting evidence provided by the candidates. After thorough consideration, the final list of candidates.

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Research Associate (Ecology) Post Category No. ER10924 View List

Candidates are advised that having their names included in this list is purely provisional and should not be interpreted as complete confirmation of their eligibility for the post. Final eligibility will only be established after the Document Verification (DV) process, where all required documents and qualifications will be thoroughly examined. The schedule for the Document Verification will be determined and announced by the respective user department. Candidates will be informed accordingly and must ensure they are prepared with all necessary documents as per the specified guidelines.

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