Uttarakhand 12th Result 2023, UK 12th Result 2023 Check Online @ubse.uk.gov.in

The Uttarakhand Board of School Education (UBSE) has declared the UK 12th Result 2023, also known as the UK Board 12th Result 2023. Students can now check their results on the official website. The UK Board 12th Result 2023 includes the marks obtained by students in their respective streams.

UK 12th Result 2023

The Uttarakhand Board of School Education (UBSE) has announced that the UK Board 12th Result 2023 will be released on 25th May 2023 at 11 am. Students who appeared for the Class 12 exams in the Arts, Commerce, and Science streams can check their results on the official website www.ubse.uk.gov.in. Stay tuned to this page for updates on the UK 12th Result 2023.

Exam Conduct ByUttarakhand Board
Exam NameUK Board 12th 2023
Result StatusOUT (11:00 AM)
Uk 12th Exam Held16 March to 6 April 2023
UK 12th Result 202325 May 2023 at 11:00 AM
Result Download LinkGiven Below
UK 10th Result 2023Check Now
Total student Appred1,27,324
Required to check ResultRoll Number, Name
Official WebsiteUbse.Uk.Gov.In

Uttarakhand 12th Result 2023

The Uttarakhand Board of School Education (UBSE) will announce the Uttarakhand 12th Result 2023 on its official website. Due to a large number of students checking their results simultaneously, there might be a delay or glitch in accessing the UK 12th Result 2023. Students are advised to be patient and wait for the pages to load. We will provide updates on this page, so stay tuned for quick alerts regarding the UK Board 12th Result 2023.

uk 12th Result 2023
check Uk 12th result Now

UK Board 12th Result 2023 Date

The Uttarakhand Education Board has officially announced the date and time for the UK 12th Result 2023. Students can check their results on the official website at 11:00 A.M on 25th May using their roll number and name.

UK Board 12th Exam 2023 16 March to 6 April 2023
UK Board 12th Result 202325th May 2023 At 11:00 AM
UK Board 10th Exam 202317 March to 6 April 2023
UK Board 10th Result25th May 2023
The results for the Uttarakhand Board Class 12th exams in Science, Arts, and Commerce streams will be released on 25th May at 11:00 A.M. Students can access their results on the official website by entering their roll number and name.

Detail Mention On MarkSheets

A mark sheet typically includes the following details:

  1. Student information: Name, roll number, and date of birth.
  2. Examination details: Academic year or session.
  3. Subject-wise marks: Marks obtained in each subject.
  4. Total marks: Maximum marks for each subject.
  5. Grade/Percentage: Grading or percentage achieved in each subject and overall.
  6. Result status: Pass or fail indication, division, or rank if applicable.
  7. Remarks: Comments highlighting achievements or areas for improvement.
  8. Board/Institution details: Name, logo, address, and contact information.

UK 12th Result 2023 Link

On 25th May at 11:00 am, the Uttarakhand Board of School Education will activate the result and scorecard download link on their official website Ubse.Uk.Gov.In. To easily check the UK board 12th result, students are advised to have their Hall ticket number and other necessary details readily available. Once the result is declared, the download link for the UK 12th result 2023 will be shared below for your convenience.

How To Check UK Board 12th Result 2023

You can check the Uttarakhand Board Results on Two Methods. First Is VIA Official Website And The One VIA SMS. Both Ways And Their Steps Are Mentioned Below Just Follow Them.

Steps To Check Uttarakhand 12th Result 2023 VIA Official Website

To Check Your UK 12th Result 2023 Follow These Mentioned Below Steps:

Step 1: Visit the official website of the Uttarakhand Board of School Education (UBSE).

UK 12th Result 2023

Step 2: Look for the “Results” or “Examination” section on the website.

Step 3: Click on the link for “UK 12th Result 2023” or a similar option.

Step 4: Enter your roll number or other required details as mentioned.

Step 5: Click on the “Submit” or “Check Result” button.

Step 6: The Uttarakhand 12th Result 2023 will be displayed on the screen.

Step 7: Take a printout or screenshot of the result for future reference.

Step 8: Keep the result safe until the original mark sheet is issued by the board.

Steps To Check UK Board 12th Result 2023 VIA SMS

In The Case Of Any Technical Issue And the Link is not Active, you Can check the UK 12th Result 2023 Via SMS.

Here are the step-by-step instructions to check the result by SMS for Uttarakhand Board 12th Class:

Step 1: Compose a new SMS message.

Step 2: In the message body, type “UT12” followed by your roll number. For example, if your roll number is 123456, the message should be “UT12123456”.

Step 3: Send the SMS to the number 5676750.

UK 12th Result 2023 Statistics

The UK Board 12th Result 2023 will include overall statistics such as the number of students who registered, the number of students who appeared for the exams, the number of students who passed, and the overall pass percentage. These statistics will be released along with the declaration of results. For the current academic year, the details will be updated soon after the Uttarakhand Board Class 12 Result 2023 is announced.

YearNumber of StudentsBoys’ Pass PercentageGirls’ Pass PercentageOverall Pass Percentage

The table summarizes the Uttarakhand Board 12th Class results for different years. It includes the number of students, pass percentages for boys and girls and the overall pass percentage. The data provides an overview of performance trends over the years.

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When will the Uttarakhand 12th Result 2023 be declared?

The Uttarakhand Board of School Education (UBSE) has announced that the UK Board 12th Result 2023 will be released on 25th May 2023 at 11:00 am.

How can students check their UK Board 12th Result 2023?

Students can check their UK Board 12th Result 2023 by visiting the official website of the Uttarakhand Board of School Education (UBSE) and entering their roll number and other required details.

Is there an alternative method to check the UK Board 12th Result 2023?

Yes, students can also check their UK Board 12th Result 2023 via SMS by sending their roll number to the designated number 5676750.

Where can I find the link to download the UK Board 12th Result 2023?

The link to download the UK Board 12th Result 2023 will be activated on the official website of the Uttarakhand Board of School Education (UBSE). Students can visit ubse.uk.gov.in to access the result.
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