190 vacancies in Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL) for Apprentice. Apply now!

The Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL) in Mumbai, Maharashtra has published a notice about recruitment of 190 vacancies for the Apprentice position. Eligible applicants who have degrees of the Graduation, Engineering, and Diploma can submit their online application for Konkan Railway Apprentice Jobs 2023-24 before the last date 10th December 2023.

Find the relevant points related to this recruitment process and position in the table below,

Details about the Position
Job Title Graduate Apprentice, Technician Apprentices
Total Vacancies 190
Qualification Degree, B.E. / B.Tech, Diploma
Job Location Mumbai, Maharashtra
Registration Date 10-12-2023
Selection Process Merit List (On the Basis Eligibility Marks), Documents Verification
Organization Name Konkan Railway Corporation Limited


The Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL) Apprentice Vacancy 2023 On the basis of discipline:

Discipline No of Posts
Civil Engineering 30 posts
Electrical Engineering 20 posts
Electronics Engineering 10 posts
Mechanical Engineering 20 posts
Diploma (Civil) 30 posts
Diploma (Electrical) 20 posts
Diploma (Electronics) 10 posts
Diploma (Mechanical) 20 posts
General Stream Graduates 30 posts


Please click on the following shared link to apply for the recruitment examination for Apprentice post in Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL), 2023.
