CISF Tradesman Admit Card 2023 Direct Link, PET/PST Date,

A lot of candidates have applied for the CISF Constable Tradesman exams and are eagerly waiting for CISF Tradesman Admit Card. We will provide a direct link on our website to download the admit card for the exam. It’s recommended that candidates download the call letter as soon as.

CISF Tradesman Admit Card 

The Central Industrial Security Force is gearing up to launch the much-awaited CISF Tradesman Admit Card 2023, which will be available for download on its official website, ““. The CISF Tradesman Admit Card will be released approximately 1 week before the commencement of the Physical Efficiency Test, Physical Standard Test, Documentation & Trade Test.

CISF Tradesman Admit Card 2023
CISF Tradesman Admit Card 2023

CISF Tradesman Admit Card 2023

According to sources, the CISF Constable Admit Card 2023 is anticipated to be issued in online mode by March 2023, in anticipation of the PST/PET, which is expected to take place in the last week of March 2023. So, aspirants are advised to stay tuned to the official website for further updates. and also continuously checking

organizationCentral Industrial Security Force (CISF)
Post TitleCISF Tradesman Admit Card 2023
CategoryAdmit Card
CISF Tradesman PostTradesman
CISF Tradesman Total Post787
CISF Tradesman Admit Card Date13th July 2023
CISF Tradesman Physical DateIn March 2023
CISF Tradesman Physical Efficiency Test (PET) Date5 April 2023

CISF Tradesman Sarkari Result

The CISF Tradesman Admit Card is a hall ticket that candidates receive after successfully applying for the recruitment process. It contains important information such as the candidate’s name, photograph, exam center, and the date and time of the examination. Candidates must carry it to the exam center along with a valid ID proof.

CISF Tradesman Physical

CISF Tradesman Physical Test is the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Standard Test (PST) that candidates must clear for Tradesman (Constable) positions in the Central Industrial Security Force. PET includes running, long jump, high jump, and other tasks to assess the candidate’s fitness level. PST measures height, weight, chest, and other physical standards to ensure eligibility. It is a crucial step in the selection process and determines whether the candidate moves to the next stage of recruitment.

CISF Tradesman Physical Date 2023

The Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Physical Standard Test (PST), Document Verification, and Trade Test for the Tradesman (Constable) position are expected to take place in March 2023. However, the Central Industrial Security Force has not yet confirmed the exact date. Candidates who have applied online for any of the posts will be updated about the PST/PET dates through Telegram Channel once they are officially announced. Therefore, it is recommended to Join the Telegram Channel link given below for timely updates.

CISF Tradesman Physical Details

The CISF Tradesman Physical Test comprises two components: the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and the Physical Standard Test (PST). Here are the details of each test:

CISF Tradesman Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

Physical TaskMale CandidatesFemale Candidates
RaceComplete a 1.6 km race within 6 minutes and 30 secondsComplete an 800-meter race within 4 minutes
Long JumpJump a minimum of 11 feet (3.5 meters) in three chancesJump a minimum of 9 feet (2.75 meters) in three chances
High JumpJump a minimum of 3.5 feet (1.07 meters) in three chancesJump a minimum of 3 feet (0.9 meters) in three chances
Shot PutThrow a 16-pound (7.26 kg) shot put for a minimum distance of 14.8 feet (4.5 meters) in three chancesThrow a 12-pound (5.45 kg) shot put for a minimum distance of 10.5 feet (3.1 meters) in three chances

CISF Tradesman Physical Standard Test (PST):

Height170 cm157 cm
Chest (unexpanded/expanded)80 cm / 85 cmN/A
WeightProportionate to height and ageProportionate to height and age
Eligibility CriteriaMust meet the minimum requirements for height, chest measurement, and weight.minimum requirements
Test ComponentsPhysical Standard Test (PST)Physical Standard Test (PST)

CISF Tradesman Document.

  1. Educational qualification certificates
  2. Date of birth certificate
  3. Caste certificate (if applicable)
  4. Domicile certificate (if applicable)
  5. Discharge certificate (for Ex-Servicemen)
  6. Experience certificate (if applicable)
  7. Passport-sized photographs
  8. Aadhaar card
  9. Other certificates (if applicable

How to download CISF Tradesman Admit Card?

To download the CISF Tradesman Admit Card, follow the steps below:

  • Go to the official website of CISF,
  • Click on the “Admit Card” link on the home page.
  • Enter your login credentials such as Registration Number and Date Of Birth in the required fields.
  • Click on the “Submit” button.
  • The CISF Tradesman Admit Card will be displayed on the screen.
  • Download and take a printout of the Admit Card for future use.
  • Note: Candidates should check all the details mentioned on the Admit Card carefully, such as name, roll number, exam center, and exam date, and contact the concerned authorities in case of any discrepancies.
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What is the Released Date of the CISF Tradesman Admit Card?

The release date of the CISF Tradesman Admit Card is in the last week of march 2023.

How can I download the CISF Tradesman Admit Card?

Candidates can download the CISF Tradesman Admit Card from the official website of CISF by entering their login credentials such as registration number and date of birth.

what is CISF Tradesman Physical Efficiency Test (PET) Date?

The CISF Tradesman Physical Efficiency Test (PET) Date is 5 April 2023.

What is CISF Tradesman’s Physical Date?

The date of the CISF Tradesman Physical Date is in March 2023. For more information visit the official website.